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September 20, 2024
  • OpenSense WG3 meeting

    September 20, 2024  10:00 am (CEST) - 11:45 am (CEST)

    - Discuss upcoming F2F meeting in Norrköping and the training school
    - Status tasks and deliverables

    To join:


September 24, 2024
  • [OpenSense] Short online conference

    September 24, 2024  9:00 am (CEST) - 10:30 am (CEST)

    Short online conferences (max. 1 hour; every two months) should bring the OpenSense community the idea of the newest opportunistic sensor data achievements concerning opening data, data processing algorithms, and applications. During the conference, two speakers will be invited (20 min talk + 10 min discussion). 
    The sixth conference will take place on 24 September 2024, 9:00 CET
    Ricardo Reinoso-Rondinel will present on Weather radars with dual-polarization capabilities: What can they bring in and what not? 
    The integration of dual polarization technology into weather radars has brought many advantages to the meteorology and hydrology communities. Achievements include a better discrimination among hydrometeors, retrievals of drop size distribution, estimation of rainfall rate, and understanding of microphysical processes. This is because dual-polarization signals allow us to obtain more information related to the size, shape, and concentration number of hydrometeors that are sampled along the radar beam. In the case of rainfall rate estimation, such information opens more than one way to improve R(Z) relations. In this talk, we will review these achievements and emphasize the necessary data-quality control and additional processing steps required to handle dual-polarization echoes effectively. 
    Thomas Einfalt will present on Comparing radar data and precipitation ground values: differences between rain gauges and IoT sensors 
    Radar and rain gauges have been integrated through "adjustment" for a long time. However, crucial is not only radar data quality, but also the quality of the gauge values. A new approach to use online quality checked gauge data for adjustment will be presented. Low-cost IoT (Internet of Things) sensors are frequently being installed by citizens and by organisations - but can these sensors help to identify ground truth, i.e. the rainfall which reaches the ground? In the framework of a research project on severe precipitation named heavyRAIN (duration: 2022 - 2025), 50 optical IoT-sensors have been installed within the city of Lübeck. The following items should be investigated: firstly, timing differences of rainfall between radar values and sensor data; secondly, location differences of rainfall between radar values and sensor data. Analyses were performed on 5 observed rain events in summer 2024. 

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    Meeting ID: 648 4238 4214
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    +4312535501,,64842384214# Austria
    +4312535502,,64842384214# Austria


October 2, 2024
  • Core Group meeting

    October 2, 2024  2:00 pm (CEST) - 3:30 pm (CEST)

    Monthly CG meeting (online, Zoom link sent via email)


November 6, 2024
  • Core Group meeting

    November 6, 2024  2:00 pm (CET) - 3:30 pm (CET)

    Monthly CG meeting (online, Zoom link sent via email)


December 4, 2024
  • Core Group meeting

    December 4, 2024  2:00 pm (CET) - 3:30 pm (CET)

    Monthly CG meeting (online, Zoom link sent via email)


January 1, 2025
  • Core Group meeting

    January 1, 2025  2:00 pm (CET) - 3:30 pm (CET)

    Monthly CG meeting (online, Zoom link sent via email)


February 5, 2025
  • Core Group meeting

    February 5, 2025  2:00 pm (CET) - 3:30 pm (CET)

    Monthly CG meeting (online, Zoom link sent via email)


March 5, 2025
  • Core Group meeting

    March 5, 2025  2:00 pm (CET) - 3:30 pm (CET)

    Monthly CG meeting (online, Zoom link sent via email)