■ STSM Grants
■ Discover the Hosting Universities
■ How to apply to a STSM
■ Documents for hosting universities
■ Criteria of eligibility evaluation form
■ Why to apply?
STSM Experience: Petr and Milan Interview:
■ Virtual Mobility Grants
■ How to apply to Virtual Mobility Grants
■ Mobility Grants
Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSM)
Short-Term Scientific Mission consists of a visit to a host organization located in a different country than the country of affiliation by a Researcher or Innovator for the specific work to be carried out and for a determined period.
Short-Term Scientific Missions benefit to:
- STSM Grantee: receives funding for implementing a project with an international team and gains new knowledge or access to equipment or techniques not available in the home institution;
- STSM Host: receives an international partner in their institution and can develop long-lasting collaboration.
■ Mobility Grants
Virtual Mobility
Virtual Mobility consists of collaboration in a virtual setting among researchers or innovators within the COST Action, to exchange knowledge, learn new techniques, etc.
Virtual Mobility benefit to:
- COST Action: uses a flexible tool to implement virtual activities inside the network, achieve the MoU objectives and significantly increase their impact and reach. Contributes to European leadership in knowledge creation and increasing its innovation potential;
- VM grantee: develop(s) capacity in virtual collaboration and networking in a pan-European framework.
Examples of activities that can be performed by the VM grantee are:
- Virtual mentoring scheme, with special focus on activities and exchanges that can generate capacity building and new skills, particularly for Young Researchers and Innovators (e.g. managerial skills, methodological skills, communication skills, etc);
- To support the harmonisation and standardisation of methods and procedures within the Action networking activities, e.g.:
- setting up a survey amongst all Action members to collect different results and outcomes from experiments done in their respective labs and research groups;
- coordinating the discussions to create common protocols to be used by the network afterwards;
- preparing questionnaires and response scales to be used by the Action members as part of virtual networking activities.
- To support the implementation of research coordination related activities that do not necessarily require in-person presence, e.g.
- computational or modelling activities;
- data analysis of the Action for a specific report or activity.