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3rd Joint OpenSense Action Joint Meeting, 25-27 June 2024, Milan, Italy

The 3rd Joint OpenSense Action Joint Meeting was held on 25-27 June 2024 at the Campus Leonardo of Politecnico di Milano in Milan, Italy.

The Core Group and Management Committee meetings took place on the first day of the conference. On the second day, the OpenSense working groups shared their latest achievements and outlined their upcoming activities. After each session, there was an active discussion involving the audience’s participation.

At the plenary session organized on the third day, invited speakers presented their approaches to rainfall sensing:

  • Sensing Rainfall: Unveiling Nature’s Symphony with Cameras and Acoustic Sensors by Changhyun Jun (Chung-Ang Univ – Korea); 
  • Rainfall Estimation/Classification Using LTE/5G Radio Channel Quality Parameters by Roberta Avanzato and Francesco Beritelli (Univ. Catania – Italy)
  • Conditional Ensemble Neural Network for Rain Estimation via Satellite Microwave Links by Giovanni Scognamiglio (MBI – Italy)
  • Towards CML rainfall estimation in Rwanda and Belgium by Kwinten Van Weverberg (Univ. Gent – Belgium)
  • Precipitation estimation from space: operational products and recent advances by Luca Brocca (CNR – Italy)
  • Nowcasting SAF Precipitation products addressed to forecasters – Case studies by José Alberto Lahuerta García (AEMET- Spain)
  • Meteonetwork: 20 years of data from a citizen-science weather network by Alessandro Ceppi (Politecnico di Milano – Italy)

We facilitated online meeting participation for OpenSense members who could not attend in person. In addition to the technical program, social activities, such as coffee (and ice cream!), lunch breaks and the Icebreaker, encouraged networking opportunities.

Many thanks to all participants, in particular to the team of Politecnico di Milano, Prof. Carlo de Michele and Dr Roberto Nebulloni, for organizing such an excellent event, with the great support of our Action Manager Petra Koudelová!


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