Meet OpenSense at EGU2023!

The European Geosciences Union General Assembly will take place in 23–28 April 2023 in Vienna. OpenSense members (and not only!) will present their latest results on using opportunistic sensors for rainfall estimation, urban hydrology, snow/rainfall classification, and much more.

Check out the list of presentations, from 3 different sessions:

Precipitation: Measurement, Climatology, Remote Sensing, and Modelling

CML rainfall estimation in Africa: Recent results, challenges and suggested solutions  – on-site presentation
Christian Chwala, Moumouni Djibo, Maximilian Graf, Julius Polz, François Zougmoré, and Harald Kunstmann

Improved QPE for the Ahr flooding event using weather radar and CML data – on-site presentation
Maximilian Graf, Julius Polz, JuYu Chen, Tanja Winterrath, Silke Trömel, and Christian Chwala

Don’t miss any presentation, check the timetable!

Monday April 24
Tuesday April 25
Wednesday April 26
Thursday April 27
Friday April 28
10:45-12:30 – Poster session
Comparitive performance of two quality control algorithms for personal weather station rainfall data in Amsterdam Metropolitan Area

de Vos, L., et al.

10:45–10:47 PICO (virtual)
The impact of drop size distribution variability and rainfall attenuation on autonomous vehicle sensors

Husnoo, N., et al.

10:47–10:49 PICO
OpenMRG: Open data from Microwave links, Radar, and Gauges for rainfall quantification in Gothenburg, Sweden

Van de Beek, et al.

10:49-10:51 PICO
Classification of snow and rainfall using commercial microwave links

Øydvin, E., et al.

10:51-10:53 PICO
Information-based approach for quantifying uncertainty in precipitation estimates from commercial microwave links

Špačková, A., et al.

10:53-10:55 PICO
Using Opportunistic Rainfall Sensing to improve Areal Precipitation Estimates and Run-off Modelling – The Case Study of the Ahr Flood in July 2021 

Seidel, J., et al.

10:55-10:57 PICO
Challenges in the usage of commercial microwave links for the generation of transboundary German-Czech rainfall maps

Blettner, N., et al.

12:05–12:15 Orals
CML rainfall estimation in Africa: Recent results, challenges and suggested solutions

Chwala, C., et. al

12:15–12:25 Orals
Improved QPE for the Ahr flooding event using weather radar and CML

Graf, M., et al.

14:45–14:55 Orals
Improving discharge predictions and uncertainty estimates in a small urban catchment using commercial microwave links 

Fencl, M., et al.

Opportunistic rain sensors and flood modelling to assess the risk of failure of surface drainage in urban areas 

Lanza, L.G., et al.


Latest Updates

Joint Meeting&Conference 2025

Call for Abstracts

The abstract submission for the first International Conference on Opportunistic Sensing of Precipitation, organized as the final conference of the European COST Action CA20136 OpenSense just opened.

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