Call for Abstracts
The abstract submission for the first International Conference on Opportunistic Sensing of Precipitation, organized as the final conference of the European COST Action CA20136 OpenSense just opened.
The abstract submission for the first International Conference on Opportunistic Sensing of Precipitation, organized as the final conference of the European COST Action CA20136 OpenSense just opened.
We would like to inform you in advance about the final Joint meeting of OpenSense COST Action, which will be organized together with the first
COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.
OPENSENSE aims to improve access to continental OS observations, establish OS as a widely acknowledged method capable of providing reliable operational precipitation observations, and facilitate their use in precipitation nowcasting and operational hydrological forecasts.
MoU – 076/21
CSO Approval date – 25/05/2021
Start date – 13/10/2021
End date – 12/10/2025
© 2025 OpenSense - COST Action CA20136 - Opportunistic precipitation sensing network