WG2 on method and software homogenisation
WG2 l coordinates comparison and homogenisation of methods needed for operationalisation of OS precipitation observations with focus on i) automated quality control, ii) fast processing, and iii) uncertainty assessment.

■ WG2
Activity 1
Coordinating software community development
- T2.1. Collecting and reviewing existing OS packages and codes developed by individual research groups and initializing and managing community development of open software implementations of algorithms for processing OS observations (RCO5).
■ WG2
Activity 2
Coordinating joint research agenda on OS processing, quality control and uncertainty assessment
- T2.2. Coordinating comparison of fast processing and quality control algorithms suitable for operational use. Identifying benchmark algorithms (RCO4).
- T2.3. Connect researchers investigating different OS sensor types and coordinate the development of methods for OS processing, quality control and uncertainty assessment of OS observations utilizing also data from existing observation networks (RCO5).
■ WG2
Activity 3
Training PhD students and ECIs
- T2.4. Organising and leading Training School on data acquisition and OS processing (CBO5).