WG5 on capacity building, knowledge exchange, and coordination

WG5 manages internal communication, knowledge exchange and capacity building. It is also in charge of coordinating Working Group cross-activities, identifying possible synergies and thus maximizing the Actions impact.
■ WG5

Activity 1

Fostering internal communication

  • T5.1. Establish Action’s communication channels. Create an open community platform using GitHub and the github-pages feature, which will be managed by a small governance panel of the Action members that handle the contributions which can be submitted by everybody (CBO1, 4).
  • T5.2. Moderating short online Action conferences (e.g. 2 hours, 3 contributions + discussion) on a quarterly basis to facilitate knowledge exchange between the groups and experts in different fields (wireless communication, hydrology, meteorology) (CBO1, 2).
■ WG5

Activity 2

Coordinating collaboration

  • T5.3. Tracking the progress of WGs, identifying bottlenecks in Action’s progress and cross-activities with synergistic effects (e.g. between data and method development) (CBO1).
  • T5.4. Collecting OS related research challenges identified by other WGs. Tracing and documenting opportunities for new opportunistic sensors and techniques and evaluating their potential for precipitation and weather monitoring. (RCO10, CBO1).
  • T5.5. Connecting experts (individual research groups) with the potential to address new research challenges identified during the course of the Action and/or challenges that could be addressed thanks to progress in OS. Identifying international research calls suitable for addressing these challenges and coordinating preparation and submission of joint research proposals in international calls (RCO10).
■ WG5

Activity 3

Coordinating networking

  • T5.6. Coordinating Short-Term Scientific Missions with a focus on ITC and NNC countries and announcing opportunities for other non-COST fellowships (CBO5-7) Coordinate Workshops and the Final Conference in terms of their content (RCO7, CBO5,7)